Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Need Some Space!

Really here, folks.
I could fill a small apartment with my big stuff, and a big apartment with my small stuff. (which I'm not suppose to sweat on)(not sure I get that...)
Of course, if I tried to get everything in my head into a building, I ah, need to rent some space.

On a more less serious note, my closet is full and the floor is getting close.
I have a walkway, from the door to the bed, and the chair...

I'm like a teenage girl with shoes.
More than 5 pair.
Black, brown, boots, tennis shoes, sandals, Chuck Taylors, work boots... few more.

Four or so "junk drawers."
It's all stuff I need, eventually.

I could get a storage building, but then I wouldn't have all the stuff I need, eventually.

More organization really isn't an option either.
Ya know, OCD and all.

Maybe I should just buy a couple of houses...

S'all I got.



JustRex said...

The question is, can you really afford to move into a new place? That was why you moved back there to begin with. Don't over extend yourself just because it's now inconvenient. Too bad Chucky has already got a housefull of children or you could share a place with him. But... that's probably not a good idea either. You two seem to lead each other into trouble.

Vinnie Vinnetti said...

I can't, and won't.
I was just stating fact, and once I saw that picture (give it a really good once over) I had to write something.

I'll figure something out thought.
Your work shed is clean right?