Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I Just Stopped In for a Cup Of Coffee Friend

I haven't done this in a while.
I may be rusty.
Hell, I may be Cousin Eddie, but who knows...
I'm currently out of a car which leaves me carless, most days. Usually getting to work isn't so bad, but getting home is a chore and a half.
And I'm not talking half a load of laundry.
I mean an asylum of laundry, plus cooking, plus dishes.
Tuesday night is my most difficult.
My little brother usually picks me up, but Wednesday he has an early class so he stays closer to town.
Which leaves me VERY close to town.
Like, stuck in it.
So I arrange for a couch, air mattress, or bed for the night.
Tonight is Rev's night.
Just look at him, siting there all eblogulated.
It was he that turned me on to a song by Johnny Cash.
A song in which John stops by friends house after a night of, what sounds like drinking, and stays for a week or so...
Under the pretence that he only stopped by for one cup of coffee.
I swear Rev, I'll be gone after this pot of coffee is done.
Or maybe next one...

Don't let em' getcha.

1 comment:

JustRex said...

No matter how hard you beg, I'm not yodeling!

My veri word- "coroseba" A new form of extremely hot pepper that will just make you burst into flames immediately.