Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Giving It to the Man
Some time ago, my mother had a house.
She married and we moved into my step dad's place.
He wanted to sell the house because we didn't need it.
She signed it over to my brother (8 years the senior) to keep it in the family. (Our childhood house.)
He gets back from the army and moves in.
He gets on his feet and starts working.
Even fixes the place up a bit.
Fast forward a few years.
I've been in and out of moms more than 3 times.
They let me come back when I get short on cash and need a place.
But I'll talk about wanting to get out to my brother Paul and his wife Mary and it always turns out the same.
"Why don't you just get an apartment Vince? Or go buy a house? I don't understand how you're having such a hard time."
Well Mary, it's because I have things called bills, and was given a f**king house, MARY!!
The house you live in should be (at least) half mine.
But I wasn't old enough to have anything signed over to me at the time so Paul got it.
And moved in, and changed things, and still lives there.
But there was only one house, not two.
We can't all have a house given to us.
So while everyone might have bills (like I do) and be doing so poorly, at least you have a place!!
The response...
"We've got a house payment Vince."
You jackass!
You have a house payment because your husband mortgaged it to buy a four-wheeler and a brand new truck and pay some bills of his own.
So while you're wondering why I don't own a house because it was so easy for the man you married, eat a flaccid penis, MARY, you'd be in an apartment or trailer or whatever if I had been given the house.
I'm not usually the guy to stir crap in the family, but my parents save their aluminum cans and give them to Paul to recycle when the price of aluminum goes back up, so they can have extra money.
Granted when I live at moms I don't pay bills, however, if I had, oh I don't know, been given a house perhaps...
Maybe I wouldn't been in this spot either.
Give me the house and your extra cans and see if I can make bills then.
I'm just pissed I suppose.
Don't let 'em give ya, away.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Lets Do the Time Warp Again
I was looking at the old Stat Counter and noticed (during my times of trial and tribulation) that for about a week, visitors came by the Clown Car (I didn't want to do this, but it got me giggling so much I couldn't help myself) load.
But when things settled back down, it was back to the same old Yugo (read #1 & #4) load.
I'm not complaining, I'm surprised anyone reads this "filth."
Heck, I've got subscribers!
A few people actually follow this thing everyday!
And as Rev pointed out, I'm not putting out enough.
I am in one of those moods today, I tell ya.
Look out Bella Donna, ol' Vince is gonna try for a little catch and release tonight!
(That's gonna lose me a few readers.)
What I'm trying to say is, I miss you.
Come back and read.
Re-read if you'd like.
Tell a friend, tell a relative, tell someone you don't know.
Tell a Disk Jockey who'll tell everyone.
If you write for a newspaper (in San Jose, maybe) write an article.
It can be a short one.
Slip in the web address on an unrelated story.
I've become addicted to the numbers.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I was on my way to work yesterday when the hog took a turn for the worse.
I live about 15 miles from work, so this little baby is paying for itself in gas.
(100 mpg to my cars 30 mpg)
It has oil and gas, routine maintenance, but it sounds to me like the engine seized up.
Still under warranty though, so I'm covered.
I remember, when I first got it, downloading Danger Zone, putting on my bomber jacket, and driving around town.
Mid August.
It was pretty warm, but everyone got a good laugh.
But that was the point.
If you can't laugh at yourself, you've got a poor sense of humor.
The Good Humor Man, you are not.
Or as Rev says, "Joke 'em if they can't take a f*ck!"
Anyway, took it to the shop to be fixed and I should get it back in a few days.
Until then, however, I'll have to drive the backup car, which only gets about 3 mpg (btw).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
On tomorrow (or tonight's) post I'll update everyone about the finger.
(I want to get some pictures and stuff.)
Stay tuned for Andy Rooney, and musical guest The Dynamo.
Don't let 'em getcha.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I Missed You, But My Aim Is Getting Better
Now, I'm still a little flustered about this fool in Missouri that tried to bluff me into retracting my statement about some of the funding going into the Shawn Hornbeck Foundation.
So I'd like to give my readers a little background on this heavenly of haven of Hillbillery.
(If this offends you, tough!)
I did a little research on this state (The Show-Me State) of sexual harassment ("Show me your titties!") or idiocy. ("Hey ya'll watch this!")
Here's a list of some of Missouri's proudest, with date to show how some folks never change.
Missouri State Somethings
Animal - Missouri Mule - 1995 (Hmm, interesting start.)
Mineral - Galena - 1967 [Major source of lead ore. (State of the Leadbelt)]
Rock - Mozarkite - 1967 [M(Missouri) + Ozark (the Missouri Ozarks) + ite]
Aquatic Animal - Paddlefish - 1997 (No Carp?)
Song - Missouri Waltz - 1949 (Redneckery? Hillbillery? Yes, but look at the date.)
American Folk Dance - (FOLK DANCE?! Really?!) Square Dance (saw that one coming) - 1995
Musical Instrument - Fiddle - 1987 (The better to square dance with.)(Saving the banjo for Tennessee?)
Fish - Catfish - 1997 (Did you leave ANYTHING for Arkansas?!)
Amphibian - Bullfrog - 2005 (Nope! Took em all.)
Grape - (GRAPE?) Norton/Cynthiana (Why not, lets get drunk, play the fiddle, and square dance.)
Missouri Day - March 22 - 1915 [Celebrating Trout Season? (March 1st)]
I also heard (a few years ago on MJ In The Morning) that Missouri is ranked #6 highest in the country for people having dentures.
That doesn't even count toothless uncle Ed!
So, after careful review of this new information (brought to you by the State of Missouri website) I completely understand how such an ass-hat could get ruffled feathers.
Well, that's all I've got.
I just wanted to poke a bit.
Maybe I'll bring back the controversy.
Don't let 'em getcha.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
1 + 1 = Still One or I'm Smarter Than Two 5th Graders Because I'm in 10th Grade
That's cool.
I can cancel my subscription to LackLuster Online.
I could quit this physical laboring at the factory and get on at the gas station up the hill.
Then we'd be like Clerks!
Maybe I could get Midtown Miscreant and Rev to be Jay & Silent Bob. (respectively)
Rev has a little downtime here and there.
Midtown has the additude for it, and I saw he's closing the blog, so maybe he's free.
While at grandmas this weekend, Bella Donna's son... our son said there was a 5 foot bird with 2 heads and a huge beak that pecked him on the head, and a 12 foot invisible scorpion in grandmas yard.
He's of the age where that's a kid being a kid.
I can't front him for that.
Like my friend ED's son saying I look like John Cena. --->
However, Bella Donna and I went to JC Penny this Saturday and bought some clothes.
They had a "Buy One Get the Second for $o.99" sale.
We find 2 pair of pants easily enough, but just one shirt.
So while checking out, the (Junior or Senior in High School) girl at the counter says, "These are, um, buy one and... you can get the second one for... only a dollar."
(I love me a woman who struggles to speak a simple sentence. )
Any intelligence is purely accidental or coincidental.
If she said, "Hey!... that rag smells just like, uh, chloroform!"
You can bet she's bitten that rag a time or two before.
Chances are, she's NOT a double agent.
Anyway, Bella Donna explains there wasn't another shirt like this, in this size and/or color (needed for work) and we'd be fine with just one.
It's the only one of it's kind. (At the store.)
Another girl approaches, asks the size and color, and offers to look in the back.
Someone is actually helpful.
While she's gone, our Young Einstein looks at us, straight faced, and says, "Yeah. ... Buy one get one... is only good if you're... gonna get two. Otherwise... it's not... helpful."
It's a good thing I thought I'd get... one cashier, but got two... cuz you're really... not helpful!
Somebody, somewhere, heard my mental cries for help and delivered unto us a shirt.
Right color, right size.
We pay and leave.
Now, I'm no Billy Shakenbake, or whatever that guys name is that writ the movie about Hamhocks, but I'd like to think I talk good.
Maybe I DO have a little grey matter in my cranium.
But if you go to a BOGO sale for one of anything (and they have more than one of what you need/want) you, and this awesomely knowledgeable clerk, should get the luxurious I.D.-1o-T. award for honesty and bravery.
If the little guy said this, it would be cute, but this is from a 16 or 17 year old ditz that should know better...
This is the future of out country here folks!
Ask what the color of the Presidents house is.
She might say, "President of what?"
Maybe she's really book smart.
And maybe I'm Mike Angelo and I colored on the roof of the Sixteenth Chaplin while looking at the Leaning Tower of Pizza in France.
Don't let 'em getcha.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Princess and the Pea or Don't Ladder Get to You
I think I've given 'people who don't know what they're saying' ample time to reply, and he/she/they haven't so we're moving on.
About a week ago I was asked if I wanted to trade my bed to a family member for a bigger one.
I was told there was a mattress and box spring in the garage at my parents house if I needed it (I do) and I could get it whenever.
I make the trip after doctors appointment yesterday (more on that later) and get the bed frame. Then to the folks to get what turns out to be a set of springs from 19 Hundred and, oh, I'd say 64 or so, and the "mattress" from a year or so later.
The mattress, as luck would have it, is not a mattress at all.
It's a 2 inch thick foam mat.
(It's like an inmate mattress!)
Now I'm smurfed.
My mother swears there was a mattress up there (garage loft) but I'm guessing she's entering early stages of Alzheimer's, or dementia, I'm not sure which.
Get everything near the house.
Take the old bed apart, take it to the garage, put it in the loft.
(Keep in mind here, folks, my finger is still broken w/ pin and splinted.)
Put the frame together, 1964 spring, mat, and a air mattress I bought for camping some 4 years ago and only used once.
Bed frame off ground - 10 inches
Springs - 8 inches
(What do you call a guy with no arms or legs laying in front of the door?) Mat - 2 inches
Air Mattress - 2 FEET
Needing a ladder to climb into bed - ANNOYING
Now I'm REALLY smurfed.
I'm smurfing smurfed.
Smurf this smurf, I'm out.
IDEA: We'll let the air out of the mattress, take the whole thing apart and move it, then set up the air mattress and sleep on that till we procure a new mattress and BOX spring.
But first...
Tell Bella Donna, "It's a nice night, lets go for a ride."
She agrees.
I'm so smurfed I'm turning blue, apparently.
So we decide to take the old back country roads to a neighboring town and cruise thorough the park then country road on back home.
A nice relaxing ride to finish off the day.
It really was a nice idea, until the roads were dark and we were the only light out.
And that's when IT happened.
Beatles raining from the sky like... well, almost like rain.
Hitting me in the chest with paintball like force. (which was fine)
But when one went down Bella Donna's shirt, an easy task given her ample cleavage, she panicked and almost bailed off the scooter.
I stopped, she freaked, got it out, and we turned around and headed back for the lights of town.
Still made it to the park, still managed to relax.
Got home and she decided to bake a cake whilst I deflated the mattress and figured a place to put the antique bed frame given the impending storm.
I deflate and move the air mattress to the laundry room, then go and sit on my spring and mat.
It's comfortable.
"Bella Donna! Come in here."
"Lay down on this, it's like a springy mattress with a big ol pillow top!"
"Wow, that is nice."
So we decide to put the air mattress up and give the pillow top a try.
Slept great.
I was so relaxed I woke up sometime in the night and felt my back pop about 3 times.
We're gonna keep it.
Isn't THAT sexy?
That's the finger, out of it's wrapping paper.
Got the dressing changed and told the doctor I'm ready to go back to work.
Three weeks ago he said it's not healing, so I accept the fact that we may be cutting the tip off.
I accept it so well that I told him, "Lets just cut the tip off, doc."
He informs me it's taking a turn for the better and starting to show signs of healing.
Give it 2 more weeks he says, and we'll do some rehab on it, a little exercise, and see if we can get it moving.
If it falls apart, we may have to remove it, but lets give that sucker a fighting chance.
I don't wanna.
I want to get back to work.
Get some overtime.
Maybe even learn my new job.
But he's persistent.
So in another 2 weeks, maybe I'll try to get the tip cut off again.
But, that's the update.
Until next time...
"That's the news, goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow."
Don't let 'em getcha.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Deja Vu
I considered skipping this and doing a very informative blog about "The G-Spot" but instead I decided to talk about the anus.
Now, at first, I was ecstatic about my new reader and the hate mail.
But now it's a little irritating.
Returning to the same past, to read the same person, spit empty words and threats about slander, which is spoken by the way, and libel.
Both of which are only applicable if the statement is thought to be fact.
(I thought this was cleared up on the last post...)
(Sorry. It's MY OPINION that this was cleared up on the last post.)
(No, wait, I was right. It's fact.)
(Someone isn't clicking links here, folks.)
(And doesn't know a thing about law.)
Where was I?
Oh yeah... spit empty threats about libel and me getting sued.
First, you don't know who I am.
I could be Bill Weldon for all anyone knows.
On the flip side, I don't know who YOU are "Someone Who Knows"
You could be the Mayor of New Quahog for all I know.
Here's what I got as a(nother) comment on a post about the effect of the media as pertaining to the justice system.
I think I'm gonna answer these as they come, so people who know don't get confused reading it.
Anonymous Wrote:
You have no idea what you're talking about. Fallacies in your argument:1. (A.) Ben Ownby was not the point of the post, nor does he account for 1/4 (or 25%) of the sentence that Devlin received.
1. We didn't hear about the missing Ben Ownby (note spelling) for months, he was only missing 4 days.
(Thanks for being my spellchecker though, need a job?)
2. The only reason that we heard about Shawn Hornbeck for years is that the money raised WAS used for their foundation and to keep the case in the public eye via billboards, flyers, benches etc. How do you think all of that was paid for, not just for months but for years?2. (A.) Are you trying to say the Ownby parents weren't willing to put up billboards, flyers, benches, etc.?
You seem much more partial to Hornbeck than Ownby, why is that?
You're correct.
The money WAS used for the foundation.
3. got money for their losses (and bettered themselves instead of spending it to look for their son; but i digress) --- sounds libelous/slanderous to me - better get your facts straight or else I'd imagine a lawyer might do it for you. Obviously you haven't bothered to get your facts straight if you don't even know where the charges came from. It wasn't just videotapes, or interviews with the victims - it was also Devlin's confession - he pled guilty. There were over 70 charges in total - state counts in three different counties and federal counts as well.3. (A.) Slander is spoken.
Both libel and slander are only applicable when the statement is considered to be true.
Get your facts straight.
On a interesting side note, I'm getting a little tired of you throwing around some lawyer/lawsuit garble so you can sound threatening.
Some no name mystery on a web blog that got the fuse on his/her tampon lit by a man who is in the line of fire keeping dangerous criminals off the streets everyday.
Number 1 if you don't like what you've read, stop reading.
Number 2 why don't you get what it takes to at least make up a fake name instead of trying to frighten people with this "Someone Who Knows" feces.
Someone who actually knows (and cares) would have filed a formal complaint instead of throwing the word suit, sue, and lawyer around like 15 quid.
Also, it wouldn't have mattered who said what, or what was found, Devlin would have gotten a lot of time regardless.
You only hurt your argument if what you're comparing it to isn't even the case. but back to the point - yes it would be best if EVERY child molester got consecutive sentences instead of concurrent, but it's not the fault of these boys or their families, so let them heal in peace. If you don't like the sentencing, get involved! Talk to your legislator, write letters to the editor, start a Facebook group, pass out flyers - get the word out PRIOR to sentencing.Why did it take you 3 (excruciatingly long) comments to finally see the point?
You were so wrapped up in your own dander that you missed the point of the whole post.
I don't care who they are, where they're from, or how the money was used.
THE POINT IS no one person should get more time than any other person for the same crime based solely upon media exposure.
I applaud Mr. Hornbecks' family for doing everything that they did.
A lot of families don't.
Also, the comment was made "If you don't like the sentencing, get involved!"
I am involved (thank you) but it makes me feel as though you're happy Devlin got what he got (aren't we all?) and don't really care about anyone else.
I saw you clicked the Michael Devlin link, but not the Missing Kids link at the bottom.
Of course, I also noticed you had beef with what I said about about (in my opinion) a poor white family who was suddenly a little more wealthy, but had nothing to say on behalf of the African-Americans whom I spoke of a few posts down.
And now I've dedicated two (2) posts to something that isn't the point, thus nearly negating the actual point.
I also urge those of you with children to search your state and/or area for felons convicted of ANYTHING to do with children and/or kidnapping.
Or leave a comment with your e-mail address, or city and state and I'll send you a link myself.
That's right, I'll do the footwork, all you have to do is become more aware of your surroundings.
Don't let 'em get your kids.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
It seems as though I've ruffled a feather.
It happens sometimes.
If you're not a comment reader, I'm prepared to accommodate you.
Anonymous wrote:
Your statement "got money for their losses (and bettered themselves instead of spending it to look for their son;...)" is a load of pure crap! Do you have anything that backs up that statement? Perhaps a libel suit would wake you up to the fact that you can't just spout filth like that without substantiation, and there simply isn't any.
Someone Who Knows
So, you have to approve the blog entries before they appear. I'm sure the world won't see my previous post, but be assured your libel will be seen by many. Wonder how many attorneys you will need to try to keep your meager worldly possessions...
Thank you for your comments.
As you can see I've let them both through.
I appreciate you taking the time of day to read such filth.
You may be right about my statement.
I have no fact to base this statement upon.
I do have a right to my opinion, which is what I stated.
As you have the right to yours.
However, it WAS NOT plainly expressed that EVERYTHING I SAY HERE IS MY OPINION.
If I have a fact, I will cite sources.
Or at least Wikipedia, which isn't a reliable source (at times) but can be accepted as true in most things.
Please understand, I am not mocking you or attempting to talk down to you.
I do appreciate you're reading this blog.
It's simply mindless drivel to myself and I'm rather surprised anyone reads it.
If you feel that my stating of opinion is wrong, I would be more than happy to erase the parenthesized comment in that sentence and post an apology.
However, MY SOLE OPINION IS: I remember back in the beginning, when it first happened, a family (on Television) didn't look like the kind of people that could buy a new vehicle for someone.
IT LOOKED TO ME AS THOUGH: They might have come across that money by some means other than whatever they were doing before the incident.
But I DON'T know for a fact that happened.
And honestly, if you (or anyone else) take me for a credible source, especially without citation, I'm sorry to disappoint you in stating I AM NOT.
As far a the law is concerned, I'm a little rusty, I'm pretty sure a formal (I'd even take an informal) Cease & Desist has to be issued before charges can be brought up against me.
Formal Cease and Desist and the opportunity to right my wrong and formally apologize.
But I could be wrong.
From: me
To: everyone ~
Thanks for reading and let the good times roll.
Friday, May 1, 2009
The People Want More!
First of all, if anyone has some suggestions to make this blog a bit better, or easier to read, or anything, let me know.
I'm happy like it is, but I don't read it, I just write it.
Well, actually, I DO read it the next day and giggle like a school girl at the things I previously said with a straight face.
I'm also considering placing images and videos instead of linking to everything, then again, if I did that, I'd need to cite my sources.
Let me know what you think...
COMMENT!! (Thanks to those of you that do.)
Back to business.
Panic! At the Disco has a song called "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is the Press Coverage."
In the taco business (see previous post: big boss man) it seems about the same way.
I know for a fact! (Because Rev says so.)there are people sitting in prison right now with 16 counts of something bad involving children and they are serving concurrent sentences of 7 years per conviction.
All 16! of his 7 year charges are happening at the same time.
Served his time.
"He's even with the house now, and you will keep your hands off him."
But you've never heard of him.
And probably never will.
You have, however, heard of my next disgusting bag of rhinoceros filth.
Michael Devlin given four (4) life sentences (about 25 years each) and an additional 170 years for the kidnapping and... other things of two (2) [read: one] boys.
Granted, there are a few more charges, and some things are presumably different.
While jackass #1 was charged for playing in the sandbox a few times, jackass #2 was charged, I'd say, as many times as could be proved via video tape.
I'm not on the side of Mikey here, I'm on the side of justice.
What he got was justice, what the other fool got was nothing.
But we heard about the missing Shawn Hornbeck and Ben Ownsby for years and months, parents offered rewards, got money for their losses (and bettered themselves instead of spending it to look for their son; but i digress) and it was televised and broadcast to the far corners of the U.S.
And when Mikey was caught, we heard about that, and the trial, and the conviction, and the sentencing, for months on end.
Once again, the other fella, got a slap on the wrist for what he did with his own grandson.
The only difference between the first little angel and Devlin was the press coverage.
Help 'em get caught.
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