Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'll Give it a Shot

I had a different image in mind, but upon using a different search engine, I found this one and couldn't pass it up.
While this shot glass is available from Neat-O-Rama, upon further inspection,  Neat-O-Rama has quite a few interesting things to look at, click on, and/or purchase.

My friend T.J. Reed (AKA: Flyin Monkey) writes stories on his blog. In a recession he's GIVING his work away!
Since I don't have a whole helluva lot to say anymore, nothing I want everyone to know anyway, I figured I'd try it too.

So come back for some bullshit from me, and some stories.
Maybe some tea...

Occasionally, Rev will stop by and we'll be playing fiddles together, or fiddling with each other, or framing one another...
I decided to stop there.
Three is enough.

So, since I'd like to see you all again...

Let ME 'getcha.


JustRex said...

Wow. I was just here like five minutes ago checking. Nothing. And now this! Yay!

Vinnie Vinnetti said...

Is it as good as you remember, or am I out of practice?

T.J. Reed said...

I will keep giving them away until people quit reading them haha

Vinnie Vinnetti said...

It's working for ya TJ, don't let me stop you!