Sunday, May 17, 2009

1 + 1 = Still One or I'm Smarter Than Two 5th Graders Because I'm in 10th Grade

Bella Donna got a job as a local movie jocky.
That's cool.
I can cancel my subscription to LackLuster Online.
I could quit this physical laboring at the factory and get on at the gas station up the hill.
Then we'd be like Clerks!
Maybe I could get Midtown Miscreant and Rev to be Jay & Silent Bob. (respectively)
Rev has a little downtime here and there.
Midtown has the additude for it, and I saw he's closing the blog, so maybe he's free.

While at grandmas this weekend, Bella Donna's son... our son said there was a 5 foot bird with 2 heads and a huge beak that pecked him on the head, and a 12 foot invisible scorpion in grandmas yard.
He's of the age where that's a kid being a kid.
I can't front him for that.
Like my friend ED's son saying I look like John Cena. --->

However, Bella Donna and I went to JC Penny this Saturday and bought some clothes.
They had a "Buy One Get the Second for $o.99" sale.
We find 2 pair of pants easily enough, but just one shirt.
So while checking out, the (Junior or Senior in High School) girl at the counter says, "These are, um, buy one and... you can get the second one for... only a dollar."

(I love me a woman who struggles to speak a simple sentence. )
Any intelligence is purely accidental or coincidental.

If she said, "Hey!... that rag smells just like, uh, chloroform!"
You can bet she's bitten that rag a time or two before.
Chances are, she's NOT a double agent.

Anyway, Bella Donna explains there wasn't another shirt like this, in this size and/or color (needed for work) and we'd be fine with just one.
It's the only one of it's kind. (At the store.)
Another girl approaches, asks the size and color, and offers to look in the back.
Someone is actually helpful.
While she's gone, our Young Einstein looks at us, straight faced, and says, "Yeah. ... Buy one get one... is only good if you're... gonna get two. Otherwise... it's not... helpful."

It's a good thing I thought I'd get... one cashier, but got two... cuz you're really... not helpful!

Somebody, somewhere, heard my mental cries for help and delivered unto us a shirt.
Right color, right size.

We pay and leave.

Now, I'm no Billy Shakenbake, or whatever that guys name is that writ the movie about Hamhocks, but I'd like to think I talk good.
Maybe I DO have a little grey matter in my cranium.
But if you go to a BOGO sale for one of anything (and they have more than one of what you need/want) you, and this awesomely knowledgeable clerk, should get the luxurious I.D.-1o-T. award for honesty and bravery.
If the little guy said this, it would be cute, but this is from a 16 or 17 year old ditz that should know better...

This is the future of out country here folks!

Ask what the color of the Presidents house is.
She might say, "President of what?"
Maybe she's really book smart.
And maybe I'm Mike Angelo and I colored on the roof of the Sixteenth Chaplin while looking at the Leaning Tower of Pizza in France.

Don't let 'em getcha.


1 comment:

JustRex said...

Ok, you can call me Bob if you want, but I doubt I can remain silent for long. Especially if MM starts doing the Jay shtick. I really hate that whole homey street punk vanilla ice wannabe thing. I think Silent Bob should spend the whole movie smacking the dogsnaps out of Jay.
It's really sad the kids that we are churning out of the school system these days. I worked with a kid a few years back who graduated from high school and couldn't read a tape measure or count change. He would pay for things with dollar bills and throw away his change because it confused him. Sad. Show any kid who passed H.S. math a slide rule and he would foam at the mouth and fall over. We are rearing an entire generation of slovenly dimwitted cannon fodder. On the plus side, it's gotta be good news for our business!