It seems as though I've ruffled a feather.
It happens sometimes.
If you're not a comment reader, I'm prepared to accommodate you.
Anonymous wrote:
Your statement "got money for their losses (and bettered themselves instead of spending it to look for their son;...)" is a load of pure crap! Do you have anything that backs up that statement? Perhaps a libel suit would wake you up to the fact that you can't just spout filth like that without substantiation, and there simply isn't any.
Someone Who Knows
So, you have to approve the blog entries before they appear. I'm sure the world won't see my previous post, but be assured your libel will be seen by many. Wonder how many attorneys you will need to try to keep your meager worldly possessions...
Thank you for your comments.
As you can see I've let them both through.
I appreciate you taking the time of day to read such filth.
You may be right about my statement.
I have no fact to base this statement upon.
I do have a right to my opinion, which is what I stated.
As you have the right to yours.
However, it WAS NOT plainly expressed that EVERYTHING I SAY HERE IS MY OPINION.
If I have a fact, I will cite sources.
Or at least Wikipedia, which isn't a reliable source (at times) but can be accepted as true in most things.
Please understand, I am not mocking you or attempting to talk down to you.
I do appreciate you're reading this blog.
It's simply mindless drivel to myself and I'm rather surprised anyone reads it.
If you feel that my stating of opinion is wrong, I would be more than happy to erase the parenthesized comment in that sentence and post an apology.
However, MY SOLE OPINION IS: I remember back in the beginning, when it first happened, a family (on Television) didn't look like the kind of people that could buy a new vehicle for someone.
IT LOOKED TO ME AS THOUGH: They might have come across that money by some means other than whatever they were doing before the incident.
But I DON'T know for a fact that happened.
And honestly, if you (or anyone else) take me for a credible source, especially without citation, I'm sorry to disappoint you in stating I AM NOT.
As far a the law is concerned, I'm a little rusty, I'm pretty sure a formal (I'd even take an informal) Cease & Desist has to be issued before charges can be brought up against me.
Formal Cease and Desist and the opportunity to right my wrong and formally apologize.
But I could be wrong.
From: me
To: everyone ~
Thanks for reading and let the good times roll.
V- you could watch it happening on live teevee. At first his parents were lower middle class pobuckers in thrift store clothes who just wanted their son back. After a year or two they became flashily dressed media whores who were beginning to enjoy the spotlight in spite of the way they had got there. And as soon as they got him back they rode the spotlight around as much as they could before it faded. They took the boy on Oprah the first week he was back and told the entire planet that their son had been raped by a child molester. It was sad to see, but people get addicted to fame, now matter how it arrives. It's detestable, but it happens. Look at the filth people will spout just to get on Jerry Springer.
People like this "Anonymous" who are obviously too chickenshit to even sign in with a name write hate mail because they want attention, not because they really feel anything about the subject. Maybe he or she should try for a shot on Oprah, too.
I saw all the same things that you saw, but I was trying to be nice.
I remember Andy Kaufman and his pranks.
I feel like the carnival barker.
Maybe a good bs contest will bring in more readers.
Like when the church pickets a video place for renting hardcore porn... "Hey, I didn't know they rented porn!"
Haha!! Give ME the business.
What, you rent porn, too? Right on!
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