Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lets Do the Time Warp Again

I was looking at the old Stat Counter and noticed (during my times of trial and tribulation) that for about a week, visitors came by the Clown Car (I didn't want to do this, but it got me giggling so much I couldn't help myself) load.
But when things settled back down, it was back to the same old Yugo (read #1 & #4) load.

I'm not complaining, I'm surprised anyone reads this "filth."
Heck, I've got subscribers!
A few people actually follow this thing everyday!
And as Rev pointed out, I'm not putting out enough.

I am in one of those moods today, I tell ya.
Look out Bella Donna, ol' Vince is gonna try for a little catch and release tonight!

(That's gonna lose me a few readers.)

What I'm trying to say is, I miss you.
Come back and read.
Re-read if you'd like.
Tell a friend, tell a relative, tell someone you don't know.

Tell a Disk Jockey who'll tell everyone.

If you write for a newspaper (in San Jose, maybe) write an article.
It can be a short one.
Slip in the web address on an unrelated story.

I've become addicted to the numbers.
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I was on my way to work yesterday when the hog took a turn for the worse.
I live about 15 miles from work, so this little baby is paying for itself in gas.
(100 mpg to my cars 30 mpg)
It has oil and gas, routine maintenance, but it sounds to me like the engine seized up.
Still under warranty though, so I'm covered.
I remember, when I first got it, downloading Danger Zone, putting on my bomber jacket, and driving around town.
Mid August.
It was pretty warm, but everyone got a good laugh.
But that was the point.
If you can't laugh at yourself, you've got a poor sense of humor.
The Good Humor Man, you are not.
Or as Rev says, "Joke 'em if they can't take a f*ck!"

Anyway, took it to the shop to be fixed and I should get it back in a few days.
Until then, however, I'll have to drive the backup car, which only gets about 3 mpg (btw).
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On tomorrow (or tonight's) post I'll update everyone about the finger.
(I want to get some pictures and stuff.)

Stay tuned for Andy Rooney, and musical guest The Dynamo.

Don't let 'em getcha.


JustRex said...

Like I said, if you want readers, you gotta give them something to read. And fer gawds sakes, don't give it that drunken twit Imus! He'd just say some rude crap and screw up the web address and fall off of his stool or something. He'd break a hip and end up suing you. He'd paint you as anti-family. Even if it isn't a clown car!

P.S. It gave me the giggles too!

JustRex said...

Dodge viper..... right... wasn't that a powder blue prius you were driving? (grin)

JustRex said...

Btw.... That pic is the Duggar family. They are now up to eighteen kids. Got their own show on TLC or Discover or something. "18 kids and counting". Lunacy.

Joe said...

Sorry Vinnie, I work for the San Jose paper but do not write for them.