Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Ok, I've made myself publicly known on two different blogs.
One in passing (Thanks Rev, my daily read) and one in argument. (Sorry Guy, the phrase "the voice of poverty induced despair" caught me wrong.)
Anyway, since I'm making proverbial waves in the pool (which need more chlorine, I might add) I figured I should start by defending myself before I get called out on a "Section 8."
While I admit I am slightly, if not more, bipolar, and seem a little on the unstable side, my hypocrisy only goes so far.

For whatever reason, I'm in the mood to write a bit so I thought I should start with something productive to CMA. (cover my arse)
Of course, productive is such a loose term.

Here's something that's on my mind though.
They're call reproductive glands.
Why aren't they just called productive glands.
What's produced to be REproduced.
For that matter, what was wrong with the first production?
If Hollywood remade "The Producers" would they call it "The Reproducers."
I mean, it just seems really stupid.
If I made a move like "The Exorcist" and called it "Possessed" could I make the sequel "Repossessed" or would I have to do something different?

Seriously here folks, the humor is in the links.
If you're not clicking, then you're only missing out.

I actually had something different, but I forgot it so, I gave it a Seinfeld (what, no link?) and called it good enough for government work.

Until next time, don't let 'em getcha.

1 comment:

JustRex said...

Since you are disclaiming about something that already happened, should that be a redisclaimer? Congratulations, you have both produced and reproduced in one post. I'm so proud..... my little boy is all grown up!