Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Wonder of Parents

I was thinking, which I do from time to time, actually, more accurately, I was reviewing some events of the day.
When I got to work I discovered some co-workers had left a few things on the floor.
The truck was unloaded, but not everything was shelved... so to speak.
While the Manager and I discussed the issue, I made mention that, "I'd rather 'em just get the Fuck out. When I get here I'll take over. There's no need for them to be here and in my way!"

I told you that story to tell you this story.
It really is a wonder what your parents told you, and the silly b.s. you believed.
Remember, guys and gals, when you were youngsters out in dad's car with your very best guy or gal, curfew at 11oo.
They told you that curfew was to make sure you were home safe, and put in place as a disciplinary measure.
If you're on time you can go out next week, if not you can go out when you're 40.
That was their story.
How does this relate to the first story, you ask.
Time limits.
You have this amount of time to get done and get out.
That's what the folks were trying to tell you!
They knew what you were doing in the back seat of dad's Buick.
But if you're not on the field by 11oo, the coach isn't gonna put you in tonight and it's time to switch fields.

Dad and mom knew, they did the same thing.
They also knew if you couldn't get the job done in the allotted amount of time, it wasn't going to get done tonight.
Try again tomorrow, or leave it for the next shift.

Personally, I'd rather get my job, and my very best gal, done in a timely fashion.
Not leaving either one for anyone else to take care of.
If I can't get the shelves stocked before I leave I should start sooner.
If I can't get-r-done on time, I didn't get her warmed up soon enough.
But with dad's Buick, as well as some jobs, and the game of life...
(I hate to cliche) there is no overtime.

Get your job done or don't.
But when I arrive on the scene with a dozen roses and MY dad's Chevrolet, step aside son, I'm finishing your girl.

Once again, can you believe we actually thought they cared about what time the car got home!?

Hey pal,
Don't let 'em getcha. ; )

1 comment:

JustRex said...

We get to spend so much time cleaning up after everyone else. Isn't the third batter the one who is considered to be "batting clean-up?" It's the difference between them and us. For them, when time is up, they leave. For us, when it's time to leave, it's time to hurry up and get things cleaned up and done so we can leave. I think it's called a work ethic. And a conscience.